Wednesday, December 26, 2007

My Gratitude List for 2007

1. Having admitted that I am powerless over alcohol, I chose not to drink. Without this blessing there would be no list.

2. Good health has been restored and I am at peace--just for today.

3. Living my life one day at a time, enjoying my new found freedom. Being aware that freedom is not free.

4. Continuing to grow-- thanks to the fellowship and the many friends who are there for me.

5. The new challenges and possibilities. Knowing it's the journey that matters, not the results.

6. All of the love in my life, and the ability to love back.

7. The friends I have made--on the golf course, the meetings, right here . I live alone--but I am not alone.

8. My kids and their kids . And the thought that someday their children and grandchildren will get to know me right here in cyberspace and perhaps learn from my experience.

9. To be able to laugh at myself, and sometimes make others laugh.

10. Understanding that my attitude of gratitude is the primary tool for my recovery -- and the pure joy of living.

"You can't think your way into right living.. but you can live your way into right thinking."

Happy New Year My Friends


Ginnie said...

Ditto, ditto and ditto, Bud. You've written it so well.
Would you mind if I included this in our next Newsletter??? It will be the May issue.

kenju said...

An excellent list, Bud, and a lesson for all.

barbhap said...

Thank you Bud! Wonderful list.

OldLady Of The Hills said...

What a wonderful Gratitude list, Bud....! So well said and with so much heart!
May 2008 be an even better year for you than 2007! I wish you GREAT Health, and much continued love in your life!