Whenever I discover something new and interesting like blogging , it's usually a year or so after everyone else has.
And then there is this compulsion to share my enthusiasm with anyone who will listen. Nobody does. It must be an age thing. I'm starting to repeat myself.
The good news is that I can now write about it. And, in the likely event that I will repeat myself here, my next entry will be coming from "The Pinehurst Rest Home For Old Bloggers". If they don't have a golf team I'm not going.
Anyway, I'm having fun . My friend Ginny talked me into all of this. She writes a wonderful blog called "Goldendaze" and I highly recommend it. I've created a link on the right that will take you there. Not yet, I'm just warming up.
A blog can be anything you want it to be. It can be a commentary on news or a particular subject, wierd random thoughts like mine, or a more personal diary. You can make it as private as you wish. There are controls that will limit access to anyone--family, friends, or just you. And it will be out there in internet land forever. Your grandchildrens' grandchildren will get to know you.
I've never done any writing other than business letters and the personal notes. But I try to write like I talk and to keep it brief. That's the result of a painful lesson I learned a long time ago .
I wrote my first big deal memorandum early in my career to a company Vice President. It was three pages long and it took two days to write. I thought it was brilliant.
So the VPs assistant, a guy named Tom, appeared at my desk a few days later with my memo in hand. He asked me all kinds of questions and I was certain my career was about to take off. When he took a break to answer a phone call I had a chance to read the scribbling across the top of my memo. It said "Tom, what did he say?".
Now you can click on "Ginny's blog". Tell her that Bud said "Hi"
Hi Bud: thanks for the nice words. Here's something else that's great about this type of communication. I am writing from Columbia County, NY and even shared your blog with my niece in St. Johnsbury, VT. on Tues.
It's opened up a whole new phase in my life and I'm thrilled that it's doing the same for you.
I love your entries!
DITTO to what both of you said! Blogging will save us all in our old age!
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